Sunday 2 June 2013

Did you know?

I was just doing some research based on "deep", "nourishing" or "intensive" treatments whether protein or moisture. Let me just say this,it is nothing but a play on words. A mere marketing scheme, to capitalize on one of the major P's in marketing which is "promotion". It is human nature to purchase a product due to elaborate promotions. On to the meat of the matter. After hair leaves the scale it is dead. Yes,DEAD! The hair is alive whilst in the follicle but after that it is consider to be dead. When we die,we do not eat. I wonder why?Well it is the same with the hair. Also, those deep and intensive treatments that promises to combat damage do not really combat such damages. It is more of a "temporary" fix than a permanent one. Hence the big urge for frequent conditioning of the hair. Some of the product ingredients simply fill chipped gaps and split ends but wears away over a period of time. Where moisture is concerned some ingredients from the conditioner is left back which smooths the cuticle, that is often soft to the touch. So what happens to the damaged hair?Eventually we end up trimming it. Have you ever had a bad case of breakage? I did, and the solution was to cut a couple of inches of my hair to combat that breakage. So now you know,there is no said pot of gold. For healthy hair you need to stay on top of your conditioning. Just thought you should know...

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